
The OT - still valid after all of these years

An author at another site asked a question on one of his posts requesting scriptural evidence on a topic but did not want anything from the law of Moses. I would assume that this would include any scriptures that would date prior to the crucifixion. Bad assumption? This would throw out the entire Old Testament, the PofGP and most of the BoM. Why would we neglect these books of scripture? Are they invalid? As Paul might say - God forbid.

When it comes to principles and beliefs, I feel that if something was right and good in the OT then it is still right and good today. If something is wrong and evil in the OT then it is still wrong and evil today. The commandments are still the commandments. Certainly much of the rituals that were performed and the punishments have been changed, but truth is still truth regardless of its source.

With the Old Testament being the book of study this year in Sunday School, this is a timely question - Is the Old Testament still a valid book of scripture? I would say the answer should be a firm yes. And if we are seeking scriptural support for our beliefs we should include references in the Old Testament with all the other scriptural sources.


At 1/14/2006, Blogger Steven B said...


The Jews, ancient and modern, hold the Hebrew Bible as a set of three books: the LAW, the PROPHETS, and the WRITINGS. Together, the three books comprise what the Christian world refers to as the Old Testament.

The section called TORAH (Law) comprises the five books of Moses. It contains both historical narratives as well as collections of laws, including "The Book of the Covenant," "The Deuteronomic Code" and the "Law of Holiness" (sometimes referred to as the "Holiness Code"). These laws, together, comprise what we call the Mosaic Law, or the Law of Moses.

The Holiness Code was originally given to the priests officiating in the tabernacle or temple and did not apply originally to the general population. The Holiness Code contains some of the more unusual laws regarding such things as the wearing clothing composed of mixed fabrics, and eating shell fish.

Later, at the time of Ezra, the Holiness Code and the rest of the Pentateuchal laws became the constitution of the state and were enforced by state authority, and applied to every individual.

So your assumption that the "Law of Moses" refers to the entire Old Testament is indeed wrong. When Jesus "fufilled the law" he was not negating the relevancy or authority of the entire Old Testament. But Jesus clearly did call into question the relevancy of many of the laws contained in the legal passages of the Pentateuch (the TORAH).

And your question, Eric, is still a very relevant concern. Do we throw out the entire Mosaic legal code, including the decalog? Do we pick and choose?

At 1/15/2006, Blogger Eric Nielson said...

Thank you mahnahvu


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